CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL & DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM Board Chair, R. Morrison called meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. All directors present; E. Duggan, J. Gower, S. Hughes, and C. Snow. Staff; General Manager Susan O’Gorman and L. White. Two in attendance and 2 by Zoom.
ADOPT AGENDA Copy of Agenda for this meeting April 27, 2023: For review and approval. MSC (Duggan/Snow) move to approve the agenda. Motion passed.
ADOPT MINUTES Of the March 23, 2023 regular meeting. Minutes in Board folder for review and approval. MSC (Duggan/Hughes) move to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
CONSENT ITEMS FOR BOARD APPROVAL Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial, too be acted upon by the Board of Directors at one time without discussion. If any Board member, staff member, or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar, it shall be removed so that it be acted upon separately. 4.1. Financial Statements for March 2023; and payables for April 2023. 4.2. Manager’s Report E. Duggan pulled 4.1 and asked if we could find someone cheaper than Frontier for our phone carrier. He also brought up that some lights are not working downtown. We need to know which ones. MSC (Duggan/Hughes) move to approve the consent items. Motion carried.
STAFF REPORTS 5.1. Parks & Recreation Report (O’Gorman) The Kimtu Campground is opening this Friday. Staff finally found the leak at Veteran’s Park. The leak was 2 gallons a minute and did not surface. Manager O’Gorman will be meeting with the USFS and will report back to the board. A meeting will be scheduled later. 5.2. Water Department Report (O’Gorman) We pumped 14 million gallons in the month of March. Hodgson Hill pressure zone has, had a leak that we could not find. The leak was finally found on Marigold and repaired on Wednesday. Our electricity on that pump went from 5 hours back down to 2. We have Lead and Copper testing this year, it’s mandatory every three years. Manager O’Gorman still needs help with computer at the treatment plant. 5.3. Wastewater Report (O’Gorman & Stevens, GHD) On the 25th, USDA, GHD, Mercer-Fraser and Manager O’Gorman had the required meeting per USDA. The Notice to Proceed has been issued to Mercer-Fraser. The sign the grants require for the wastewater project will be put where the pump station will be near the Post Office.
Board Member Report No reports given.
NEW BUSINESS 8.1. Per selection by the Recreation Committee, Staff recommends the Board approve Resolution 2023-03 giving the Manager authority to negotiate and sign contract with Melton Design Group, Inc. for the design and construction management of the Veteran’s Park Bigfoot Bowl Development Project. Board vote required. MSC (Hughes/Duggan) move to approve Manager O’Gorman to negotiate and sign contract with Melton Design Group, Inc. for the design and construction management of the Veteran’s Park Veteran’s Park Bigfoot Bowl Development Project. Motion Passed. 8.2. Staff recommends the Board approve an allowance of $15,000 to purchase new leak detection equipment for the Water Department. Board vote required. MSC (Gower/Duggan) Move to approve $20-30,000.00 max to purchase leak detection equipment. Motion passed. 8.3. Board to review proposal by the Willow Creek Fire Safe Council for the use of a 30 ft x 30 ft area at the wastewater property. Board vote required. See 8.4 8.4. Board to review proposed contract with the Willow Creek Fire Safe Council which provides the ability for the district staff to use their woodchipper for District projects. Board vote required. Manager O’Gorman will be working up a lease agreement contract similar to the WC China Flat Museum on leasing of the 30ft x 30ft piece of property at the Stockel property. Staff will be attending chipper training on May 6th, so they can get certified to use the chipper if needed. MSC (Duggan/Snow) move to approve 8.3 & 8.4. the 30 x 30 area to fence for storage of chipper and trailer. To approve the WCCSD staff to use the chipper if available and needed. Motion passed.
REPORTS & COMMUNICATIONS All non Willow Creek Community Services District reports should not exceed 3 minutes. No action is required on these items, but the Board may discuss any particular item as required. 9.1. Sheriff Report Deputy Sheriff Lt. McCall reported for the Sheriff Dept. 9.2 CHP Report Sargent Paul Gullick Reported for the CHP. 9.3 United States Forest Service No report. Manager O’Gorman did attend a RAK meeting. 9.4 W.C. Fire District No report. 9.5 W.C. Fire Safe Council Barbara Darst & Patti Pedigo reported for the Fire Safe Council. 9.6 Lower Trinity Prescribed Burn Association No Report. 9.7 Health Care Report No Report 9.8 RREDC Report Riley Morrison Reported for RREDC. 9.9 Chamber of Commerce Shannon Hughes reported for the Chamber of Commerce
ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR No items from the floor.
CLOSED SESSION At any time during the regular session, the Board may adjourn to closed session to consider existing or anticipated litigation, liability claims, real property negotiations, license and permit determinations, threats to security, public employee appointments, personnel matters, evaluations and discipline, labor negotiations, or to discuss with legal counsel matters within the attorney client privilege. None
ADJOURNMENT MSC (Duggan/Hughes) move to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.