CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL & DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM Board Chair, R. Morrison called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. All directors present; S. Hughes, G. Gower, C. Snow and E. Duggan. Staff; General Manager, Susan O’Gorman, and L. White. Attendees by zoom 2 and 2 in person.
ADOPT AGENDA Copy of Agenda for this meeting June 22, 2023: For review and approval. MSC (Duggan/Snow) move to approve the agenda. Motion passed.
ADOPT MINUTES Of the May 25, 2023 regular meeting. Minutes in Board folder for review and approval. MSC (Hughes/Duggan) move to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
REPORTS & COMMUNICATIONS All non Willow Creek Community Services District reports should not exceed 3 minutes. No action is required on these items, but the Board may discuss any particular item as required. 4.1. Sheriff Report No report. 4.2. CHP Report No report. 4.3. W.C. Fire District Sam reported for the Fire District. After Item 6.1. 4.4. RREDC Report No report. 4.5. WC Chamber of Commerce Shannon Hughes reported for the Chamber of Commerce 4.6. W.C. Fire Safe Council No Report 4.7. Lower Trinity Prescribed Burn Association No report. 4.8. United States Forest Service Mark Deperro reported for the USFS. After Item 6.1. 4.9. Health Care Report No Report.
CONSENT ITEMS FOR BOARD APPROVAL Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial, too be acted upon by the Board of Directors at one time without discussion. If any Board member, staff member, or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar, it shall be removed so that it be acted upon separately. 5.1. Financial Statements for May 2023; and payables for June 2023. 5.2. Manager’s Report MSC (Duggan/Snow) move to approve the Consent Items. Motion passed.
STAFF REPORTS 6.1. Parks & Recreation Report (O’Gorman) Staff gave out 30 wood permits the first go around. We will offer again in the fall. The disc golf tournament went really well and was well attended. There will be a Kick off booth at Bigfoot days for the Veterans park improvement grant. The boat races paid a flat fee of $250.00 for the Sunday entrance fee. We took tickets on Saturday. Staff put 2 loads of rock on Kimtu Rd to the beach. Manager O’Gorman will be contacting the USFS regarding care of the road. • 4.8 Mark Deperro joined by zoom and reported for the USFS. • 4.3 Sam Brown came in to report for the Fire District. Water Department Report (O’Gorman) The treatment facility pumped 20.1 million gallons of water for the month of May. We had a good-sized leak in the Bigfoot Subdivision. 6.2. Wastewater Report (O’Gorman & Stevens, GHD) Mercer-Fraser got a slow start, but they are trenching now on Roth Rd. They hit a 2” water line that ended up being good for us. We would have, had to have moved the line anyway. We had 30-40 people out of water for a short time, but found a valve, and ended up with only 3 people out of water. 95% of the water pipes have been located.
Board Member Report None.
NEW BUSINESS 9.1. Board to discuss regular board meeting agenda topics. E. Duggan would like to take some off the list that don’t report. Health Care and Lower Trinity Prescribed Burn Association for now. There was discussion of possibly going quarterly on all reports. 9.2. Board to vote on SDRMA Board of Directions 2023 Elections. Board vote required. MSC (Snow/Gower) move to vote for Warren, Claypool and Seifert-Raffleson. Ayes; J. Gower, C. Snow, R. Morrison and S. Hughes, Abstain E. Duggan. Motion Passed. 9.3. Staff recommends addition of new Chapter 6 Wastewater Department, to the Board Policy. Board vote required. This will be on next months agenda for approval.
ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR Anyone wishing to address the Board on any items not found on the Agenda may do so at this time. A written Request for public comment should have been submitted to the Secretary to the Board prior to the Call to Order. No Items from the floor.
CLOSED SESSION At any time during the regular session, the Board may adjourn to closed session to consider existing or anticipated litigation, liability claims, real property negotiations, license and permit determinations, threats to security, public employee appointments, personnel matters, evaluations and discipline, labor negotiations, or to discuss with legal counsel matters within the attorney client privilege. None
ADJOURNMENT MSC (Gower/Snow) move to adjourn the meeting at 7:20. Motion passed!