Water Services

The Willow Creek Community Services District (WCCSD) owns and operates a 22 mile public water system that serves domestic water to approximately 950 service connections, with a population of 1,700 people. The source of the District’s drinking water is from Willow Creek, a tributary of the Trinity River.  The source water is drawn through naturally filtered sand and gravels in the creek streambed. The District also collects surface water during summer demand from a surface water collection system with a special protective intake.

Our water treatment facility was installed in the spring of 2007. This facility is a modern, inline, direct filtration plant.  This facility consists of a control center with the latest in technology with controls and monitoring equipment.  The three, multi-stage, pressure filters have 720 square feet of surface filter media that produce the highest quality of water. To assist in the filtration process, a synthetic organic polymer is added to the water, prior to the filters, which causes the very small particles to clump together and filter out.

With the installation of our water treatment facility, the District meets the Surface Water Treatment Rule.  All public systems under the direct influence of surface water shall have a filtration system that will remove Cryptosporidium 99% of the time, Giardia lamblia cysts 99.9% of the time and Viruses 99.99% of the time.  The key item in this process is the addition of sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) to the water. We are required by the State to maintain a chlorine residual in the water distribution system at all times.

Water Treatment Facility

Water Quality Consumer Confidence Report

View the Water Quality Consumer Confidence Reports

Water Conservation

Ordinance No. 44 (Drought Conditions) passed on March 27, 2014
Download the water conservation ordinance

Water Rate Studies

The WCCSD has had the following water rate studies completed:
2022 Water Rate Study
2008 Water Rate Study

Water Rates

Ordinance No. 44 Passed on Nov. 17, 2023

Minimum Monthly Charge for Water Service effective 01/01/2024

5/8” meter$39.65
3/4” meter$44.75
1” meter$66.20
1 ½” meter$96.55
2” meter$144.95
3” meter$173.05
Multiple Units$39.65 each unit

Monthly Quantity Charges (Overage charge)

Meter sizeMinimum Usage (cft)Overage charge
5/8″750 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet
3/4″1035 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet
1″2223 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet
1 1/2″3911 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet
2″6598 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet
3″8156 cft$1.80 per 100 cubic feet

Water Connection Fees

Ordinance No. 30 adopted 8/1/06

Meter Size Gallons Per Minute Connection Fee
5/8”20 x 1$3,850
¾”30 x 1.5$5,775
1”50 x 2.5$9,625
1 ½”100 x 5.0$19,250
2”160 x 8.0$30,800

All meter installation shall be in addition to a connection fee. Installations will include all costs of parts, equipment rentals, permits and labor. But this is not limited to such items. Plus there will be a coverage fee of 15%.

Water Service Fees

Ordinance No. 31 10/1/06

Ordinance No. 38 amended 10/1/08

1. Collection fee$50.00
2. Connection fee$50.00 plus Bill, during business hours
3. Connection fee$100.00 plus Bill, after hours
4. Check return and Direct Debit return fee$30.00
5. Meter tampering fee$60.00 standard residential
6. Meter tampering fee$60.00 plus 15% over cost, commercial
7. Breaking meters$65.00 – $500.00
8. Breaking meter boxes$30.00 – $70.00
9. Field inspection$75.00 Pressure test, turn off, turn on, per customer requests